The Arcinau Logs

This website serves as a doccumentation to the long lost iterators and tales of Arcinau,
their life, their living, their hopes.

here is what we found so far.

<- about ->

Arcinau is a long lost content kept hidden by the ancients which housed a number of iterators at its time, but now it has been a wasteland filled with dangerous creatures and dead iterators.

we have since then try to gather the remenants of their logs, their broadcasts and peice together what happend during their time, our condolences will be for them for their work and everything about them.

<- map ->

img 1: East side of Arcinau

[4th wall break]


Oh my celestia i have not posted here in a while ;-;
Sorry for showing hardly... anything for so long i have been so busy ::( i just wanted to say that no, this will not be abandoned, that would suck, just know that there is something happening in the background, and yall will just have to wait, OK?
Cool ::D

I want to start off this AU with an introductory story for the thing, like a prolouge sort of thing ::) out of the planned chapters only uhh,, one, of then is completed ::)
i will be also halting the story of ET and the iterator logs in general to not stress myself from the plotmaking, i know that sucks ::( but its really my only way, yeagh thats all im going to give off now, hopefully i can show this stuff in here eventually because i think its cool, stay tuned!


Hi guys :>, so yeah this is going to be my hub for the AU, all logs, lore, environment stuff will all be here, im just exited for this and i hope you to! Already started of the writing on ET and progress may be slow due to school and other things but other than that stay tuned!

The Conqueror - Driftwood